Sunday, December 15, 2013

Overdramatic Aussie Animal Fears that are Completely Legitimate.

I could be eaten by:

Sharks: "Australia ranks second highest in terms of global shark attacks, with 689 unprovoked attacks; and ranks highest in terms of shark fatalities, with 219."

Saltwater Crocodiles: "The largest living member of the crocodilians and reptiles, the saltwater crocodile can grow up to 18 feet (5.45 meters) in length and is often found in Thailand, Vietnam and Northern Australia. They have been known to take on animals such an adult water buffalo and have often attacked people. It is usually well camouflaged both underwater or on dry land and strikes at an amazing speed. Its most powerful attack – the death roll – consists of grabbing its prey and rolling powerfully until it dies." The successful conservation of crocodiles following the population plummeting of the 1960's now leaves Darwin's ratio of humans to crocodiles at 1:1. Everybody gets one. Lucky us.

Nibbled on by:

The Taipan Snake. 
Red Back Spiders.
Brown Snakes.
Tiger Snakes. 
Funnel Web Spiders.
All which contain stings and bites dispersing poisonous, potentially/and/or/definitely fatal venom. Whoo!

Stone Fish: the most venomous fish in the world. Can be found in the Great Barrier Reef, camouflaged as a rock on the bottom of the reefs. "Its venom causes shock, paralysis and tissue death. The pain is said to be so excruciating that it may lead to amputating the affected limb."
I'll have to remember to look and not touch. I always had a problem with that.

The Box Jelly Fish. "One of the most extremely lethal animals in the world. Found on the coast alongside the Great Barrier Reef..stings are terribly painful and often fatal." 

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